Monday, April 9, 2012

Syfy ID

It's taken me a while but I finally got my Syfy ID finished. I had a lot of fun coming up with the idea for a Syfy ad. It took me a while to think of and I had to do a lot of editing with aftereffects. These are a few storyboards I created for the designs of the theme of a regular UFO spotting. These rough storyboard drawings are what began my Syfy ID idea.

These are my Illustrator works that I needed to laser cut. I created all of the on Illustrator and had them cut so I could use them for the animation.

And finally, the finished product came to be but I had to mess with After Effects to give a calm feeling while something super natural took place on screen. There were a lot of changes compared to how the rough was so it was little to no time with working on finishing this

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kara - Heavy Rain's Dev Trailer (cinematic video)

I was recently browsing through the interwebs looking through things cause I was bored. I found something that told me to go to this youtube link and watch a video. It was a short film made by the creators of the popular video game "Heavy Rain". What I loved about the video that made me want to put it on my blog was that it made me feel sadness and real emotion for a character despite just being create and it showed incredible graphics. That stunning ability to give pure emotion to non living objects is something I hope to learn in the near future.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My LATE work of Order to Chaos

Sorry I'm so late on this, I've been swamped with working on the next assignment with the SyFy commercial. Anyway I had fun with the assignment and I feel it was creative and interesting. I took some reference videos of the animal I choose which was Squirrels. Their tails had the most movement so I focused on their tail function in my animation. I wanted to also give the background a forest type of feels so I used a light blue and green paper but not give too much focus on it. I also wanted a unique way of making the items fall to give a chaotic feel to them. I used button to create the body, starburst wrappers for his arms and ear, and yarn for the tail while having woodchips represent the tree for the squirrel to stand on. I also added clouds with having crushed up tissue for background.
This is a video example I used to create the Squirrel.

I made a little accident and put the word "THE END" in the credits which Mr. Hopen didn't like. I also should have given more of a action and reaction when I set up the anticipation. I also had a little trouble with the audio since I didn't know that garage band would glitch out on me. My fault though, should have checked it before I set the music in. I added sound effects to the piece of squirrel sounds and birds chirping to make it more natural that you looking at a squirrel, not an object. The tail had the most movement since it has the most focus out of the squirrel. The video could use some work but I enjoyed the final result of the squirrel.

The final result of my work with Chaos to Order.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sun-Rype Stop Motion TV Commercial
I found this amazing video commercial on youtube which uses Stop Motion animation with circles of fruit to bring something that would seem chaotic to make it into order. The music is also fun and catchy while working well with the animation. This is something I hope to do in the near future and am going to attempt on my free time. The add had multiple videos which showed amazing Stop Motion and lets your mind create the action of what the product demonstrates.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


It was a lot of hard work creating all of the balls again and again to make them consistent. I've never drawn a bouncing ball cycle before but that's what made it more difficult. I went to the Ringling Art Store to buy some animation paper and templates for my squash and stretch. I also needed to hole punch all of the paper and go through multiple roughs for how I wanted the ball to squish and the timing of the bounces. I've been coming to the animation lab for multiple days now just to get what I wanted with the cycles being correct and having enough frames to measure up to what I wanted.

I've been tracing the sketches before I create them sometimes and used resource material from the internet to sometimes know how each ball moves differently. I've also talked with Mr. Ed Cheetham and he talked with me on how the process goes and gave me interesting ideas on how to make it believable. His advice really helped and made it easier to understand what my ball bounce needed. 

The final element I added was sound since I wanted to make the animations more interesting and more unique.
I wanted to have a little fun with the animation and this project was kind of fun but it cost a LOT of time and 
even MORE paper to use. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Persona- motion typography at it's best!

Sorry if I'm late to posting things. Recently I was looking at videos on Youtube to take a break from work and I found something I thought was really cool. I'm into Persona, it's a video games series that deals with using devil/mythical creatures as Pokemon. I found this video of a student using amazing Motion Typography and thought it would be kickass to show in my blog. He's a designer too and did this for a school assignment. Hope you guys think it's as awesome as I did.