Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My LATE work of Order to Chaos

Sorry I'm so late on this, I've been swamped with working on the next assignment with the SyFy commercial. Anyway I had fun with the assignment and I feel it was creative and interesting. I took some reference videos of the animal I choose which was Squirrels. Their tails had the most movement so I focused on their tail function in my animation. I wanted to also give the background a forest type of feels so I used a light blue and green paper but not give too much focus on it. I also wanted a unique way of making the items fall to give a chaotic feel to them. I used button to create the body, starburst wrappers for his arms and ear, and yarn for the tail while having woodchips represent the tree for the squirrel to stand on. I also added clouds with having crushed up tissue for background.
This is a video example I used to create the Squirrel.

I made a little accident and put the word "THE END" in the credits which Mr. Hopen didn't like. I also should have given more of a action and reaction when I set up the anticipation. I also had a little trouble with the audio since I didn't know that garage band would glitch out on me. My fault though, should have checked it before I set the music in. I added sound effects to the piece of squirrel sounds and birds chirping to make it more natural that you looking at a squirrel, not an object. The tail had the most movement since it has the most focus out of the squirrel. The video could use some work but I enjoyed the final result of the squirrel.

The final result of my work with Chaos to Order.

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